21/08 A ride aboard the Lo Roget and wine tasting among vineyards

Embarcador d'Ascó 41.182657, 0.569506, Ascó, Tarragona, Espanya

You will enjoy a charming ride to the Vinebre jetty aboard the Lo Roget. You will discover the environment around us and the diversity of [...]


21/08 A ride aboard the Lo Roget and wine tasting among vineyards

Embarcador d'Ascó 41.182657, 0.569506, Ascó, Tarragona, Espanya

You will enjoy a charming ride to the Vinebre jetty aboard the Lo Roget. You will discover the environment around us and the diversity of [...]


08/04 Visita guiada al castell + tast de vins

Castell d'Ascó Ascó, Tarragona, Espanya

El castell va ser construït pels àrabs. Era la residència del delegat del  wali de Siurana que governava part de la Ribera de l’Ebre i [...]
