

S’inicien les tasques del camp de treball: Descoberta de les trinxeres del Calvari

El dilluns dia 12 de juliol, van començar les tasques d’excavació al camp de treball: Descobrim les trinxeres del Calvari d’Ascó.
La finalitat d’aquest camp és, recuperar una zona de trinxeres situada al Calvari d’Ascó, tocant a l’Ermita del Calvari, per tal de vincular-la a la ruta de senderisme GR-99, que hi passa a la vora, i on també trobem el Búnquer dels Reguers, un dels espais històrics del COMEBE.
AQquesta nova proposta significa l’inici de la recuperació d’aquests vestigis de la batalla i el punt de partida per a una futura senyalització com a espais de memòria de la Xarxa d’Espais de Memòria del Memorial Democràtic, de la qual formen part els espais del COMEBE

Saracen Ascó


In the 8th century, the Visigoths occupied all of the Iberian Peninsula under a sole kingdom with its capital in Toledo. They took advantage of the roman organisation and institutions and adopted plenty of their customs and traditions. In Ascó, they probably settled at the top of the castle terrace, using the existent Iberian-Roman settlement.

Around the year 714, with a large section of the Peninsula under Saracen control, the Muslims, commanded by the caudillos Musa and Tàric, descended down the Ebro valley. They passed by Zaragoza, Huesca, Lérida and Tarragona to the Ribera d’Ebre and Tortosa. Since then, the village was known as Hisn – Adkun, a place name that led to the present Ascó.

In Ascó and in the whole Ribera d’Ebre there is a saying “the Moor Mussa is coming…” to scare the children. In the Priorat region it is traditionally explained that the moors travelled along the Ebro through el Pas d’Ascó or el Pas de l’Ase.


During the Muslim period, Ascó became a big commercial, agricultural and military centre in the Catalan Ebro thanks to its strategic location. Ascó ruled over a vast territory and had a castle, a mosque, an aljama, Arabic baths, a hospital, a mass grave, a market, some silos, an oil mill, a space for horse racing, a dovecote, a barge and a fluvial flour mill.

The village was presided over by the castle and surrounded by walls formed by the exterior faces of the outer village buildings. The walls were connected by gates, some of them flanked by defence towers. The activity around the village was really important, with llaüts navigating the Ebro, muleteers waiting to cross the river by barge, farmers working the fields or the potters on the river bank. The Muslims developed the building of fluvial vessels and it is believed that they perfected fluvial transportation with the llaüts and the barge and also the irrigation systems.


The Ascó castle answered to the Wali of Siurana and constituted a vast rural district that reached Margalef, on the northern slope of the Montsant. The hisn (castle) of Ascó (Adkúm) led up to a small rural district (juz’, iglím) made of several hamlets bound to the Wali (Vinebre (Ibn Ábir), Torre de l’Espanyol (Turris d’Alboçalaz), Palma d’Ebre, la Bisbal, Cabacés, Margalef). The hamlets from la Bisbal (Mon Sacer) and Margalef (marg Haläf) where ruled by a representative of the caudillo in Ascó, who resided in Amilkarbesir – Avincabassaer, the present Cabacés. The rural district in Ascó was bound to the Wali and later on to the taifa of Siurana and was delimited as an area within an even larger one commanded by the city-territory of Tortosa. The fortifications of Miravet, Móra d’Ebre, Garcia, Ascó and Flix had direct visual communication between them and possibly with the Wali of Siurana by means of the Asco district.


Walking in Ascó means traveling to a Moorish past thanks to the aspect of its old town, which still preserves the urban Andalusian outline. The Moreria of Ascó stands out for its size and architectural importance. The darkness of the streets, the houses narrowing with height, the baixungues (the descents, sloping streets) narrow and pitched, houses with walls and porches will surprise you in every corner and make the visitor travel in time.

The Andalusian occupation of Ascó left behind a very rich legacy that can still be discovered by strolling down the streets or by means of local culture and traditions.

Bar Anita

Adreça: Carretera de Camposines, 60

Telèfon: 617 040 172

Correu electrònic:

Horari: 8.00 a 23.00 h

Horari d’estiu: 8.00-15.30h i de 17.00 a 01.30 h

Tipus de cuina: entrepans, tapes i pizzes

Capacitat: 40 pax

Dot Bar

Adreça: Avinguda de la Central

Telèfon: 977 406 757

Horari: 05.00-21.00 h

Tipus establiment: Bar Restaurant

Capacitat: 50 pax

Especialitats: Plats combinats, Entrepans i tapes

Hiking itinerary through Ascó’s hermitages

If you like to combine hiking and heritage, you will probably like this itinerary, which will take you to visit the hermitages of Ascó. The route will allow you to enjoy the rural peace and the riverside landscapes, where the Ebro river is the main character. We recommend bringing comfortable shoes, drinks and food, so that you can finish the hike with a good picnic! The route is mostly flat with some climbs, about 8 km (one way only) and is suitable for all ages.

You can start the hike at thehermitage of Sant Miquel, located at the north entrance of the village, where you will find parking slots. The hermitage, with a single nave covered with a barrel vault, is distinguished by its external perch, opened by three arches. The door, with a half-point arch, is made up of thirteen vaults. The year 1741 is engraved on the keystone, although the year of construction of the hermitage is unknown and it is believed that this date refers to some renovation works. The chapel is usually closed, but you can visit it during the festival of Sant Miquel de Maig, which takes place on the Saturday closest to May 8.

To get to the chapel of the Mare de Déu del Carme, the second point of the route, you will have to cross almost the entire village following the road (about 500 meters). Once you leave Ascó, continue walking for about 350 meters along the footbridge on the left side of the road, with a great view of the Ebro river. Taking the stairs down, you will reach the small chapel, located very close to the river, as the Virgin is the patron saint of sailors and fishermen. The original position of the chapel was another one, but due to the construction of the railway, the chapel was moved in 1882 to its current location. In the summer, the chapel becomes the meeting point for the parishioners of the village every evening from July 16th until the 24th (Saint Jame’s Eve), where the novena of Mare de Déu del Carme, a religious tradition deeply rooted in Ascó, takes place.

To get there, you will need to cross the road and head towards the chapel, following the signs. You will soon find a dirt road that goes up to the top of the hill, where the chapel is located. The next point of the itinerary is the hermitage of the Calvari. You will go up in the middle of a pine forest, following a Via Crucis made with numbered metal crosses (this is where a procession takes place during the Holy Week). Once you pass the cross number XIV, you will arrive at the Calvari! Right next to the chapel you will find a small wooden construction with a notebook inside, take a pen and write down your name and date of the hike! This is a superb point to admire the view over the village and the Ebro river, the castle of Ascó, the fields of almond trees and the neighboring towns of Vinebre and la Torre de l’Espanyol.

If you feel like extending the hike, you can walk to Ascó’s fourth hermitage, the Santa Paulina hermitage. Once you get off Calvari, you will have to cross the C-12B road again and walk on the left of the road towards the south (opposite direction to Ascó) for about 300 meters, until you find the first entrance on your left. Once you take the path, follow the directions and walk along the asphalt track surrounded by olive trees and pines for about 4.5 km to the chapel of Santa Paulina, in the forest area of Mas de Prades. From the hermitage you can admire the view of the mountains that surround Ascó, while enjoying a good meal in the picnic area. It is also a really good place for birdwatching and wildlife observation (hispanic goat, wild boar and many species of birds) and you will find explanatory panels. If you are traveling with children, after visiting the Calvari you can take the car and drive to the hermitage of Santa Paulina, instead of going there on foot.

S’obre el període per a participar a la Mostra d’arts i oficis d’Ascó

Després de dos anys sense poder celebrar-se, aquesta primavera Ascó recupera la Mostra d’Arts i Oficis, que arriba a la seva tretzena edició, i de nou omplirà els carrers del nucli antic de la vila.

Aquesta activitat, organitzada per la Regidoria de Turisme i Promoció Econòmica, impulsa la promoció de l’artesania, el comerç, els productors i l’activitat comercial.

Tothom qui hi vulgui disposar d’una parada, ha de complimentar la petició mitjançant la seu electrònica de l’Ajuntament fins al dia 10 de maig. Quant als criteris de selecció previstos, es prioritzarà el comerç de proximitat, la venda directa, i que el producte tingui vinculació amb la temàtica de la mostra.

Consulta les Bases de la XIII Mostra d’Arts i Oficis d’Ascó

Descàrrega Accés al tràmit per a realitzar la sol·licitud per participar en la XIII Mostra d’Arts i  Oficis d’Ascó


Snow Well

From the second half of the 17th century, the Ascó snow well is the only one left in these areas. Located in the foundations of a house, it is constructed with crushed stone and has a pointed vault, with a circular floor plan and in the shape of an acorn. The upper beams rest on ridges at different heights for the snow conservation, which was poured out from a window. Its purpose was to fill it with snow or ice and have it available for the rest of the year. During that time the storage and distribution of ice became an important business that involved a significant part of the rural population.

El seu propòsit era omplir-lo de neu o gel i disposar-ne durant la resta de l’any. Durant aquella època l’emmagatzematge i distribució de gel va arribar a ser un negoci important que involucrava una part significativa de la població rural.


Aixarafó walnuts, from regenerative agriculture, are cultivated imitating as much as possible the nature that surrounds us.

We do not use chemical or synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, or fungicides; only biological products made of natural minerals.

We fertilize with these minerals and compost from chicken manure improved with rock dust and remains of plant material. We work following the lunar phases and promoting the full potential of the environment we have at our disposal:

  • birds, bats, insects, etc.

We encourage life on and in the soil to improve its resilience and fertility. We just let the plant eat whatever it wants whenever it wants. This way, we make the trees express their full potential, and consequently, the fruit has an exceptional mineral and nutritional richness. We flee from the standards set by marketing (color, size, external image) and we care about soil life, nutrition, and people’s health.

    You can find them at:


    Carretera de Camposines, 88

Ascó’s Castle

The castle of Ascó, located at the highest point of the town, was one of the main Andalusian squares on the Catalan Ebro, with its hisn (castle) controlling the lands that climbed to the Montsant (Margalef). During the Muslim occupation, Ascó was an active village, full of porters, traders who sailed on a lute along the river and farmers who worked the fertile land by the river. With the Christian occupation, the castle did not lose importance and the Templars decided to create an order for its strategic position, with excellent visual control of the surrounding lands and the river Ebro, then it is believed that the castle s ‘expanded and strengthened.

Only a few remains of the castle are preserved, of which the sentry box stands out. The castle is currently being rehabilitated to preserve its remains and adapt it to tourism. The castle can be visited free of charge.


Assignment to the order of the Temple
Dissolution of the order of the Temple
Donation to the order of the Hospital
Fortress during the Segadors’ War


During the centuries of Muslim occupation, it was the residence of the Siurana Wali. From the Christian reconquest carried out by Ramon Berenguer IV it is in the hands of the Catalan counties. Later, in 1182, his son Alfons el Cast ceded the castle and the villages of Ascó and Riba-roja to the order of the Temple. The Templars occupied the castle until its dissolution, in 1312. The castle of Ascó also suffered a siege, ordered by King Jaume II who, in 1318, gave it to the order of the Hospital.

This order was present in Ascó until the 19th century, although the castle served as a fortress during the Segadors’ War (1640) and suffered severe destruction. Later, in the war of succession and later with the Carlist wars, the castle was dismantled.


La sendera del castell estrena una nova senyalització direccional, així com àrees de lleure.
Un cop acabades les obres d’arranjament de la sendera del castell, s’han col·locat al llarg del seu recorregut senyalitzacions direccionals, baranes i bancs.
S’han ubicat un seguit de taules i bancs, al mig de camps d’ametllers, on podreu descansar i gaudir del incomparable paisatge que ens envolta.
Tot respectant el seu entorn, el material emprat per totes elles és la fusta

Cal Cavaller

Ancestral home of the lineage of Salvador, with the family coat of arms on the façade, built from 1632. Here ended the walled section of Ascó, the enclosed small town.
Bertomeu Blai Salvador built this house to turn it into his stately residence when he was appointed by King Philip IV of Castile as a knight with a right to a coat of arms. It is located in the square of the same name.


La setmana passada va començar la tercera fase d’excavacions al Castell d’Ascó. Mitjançant aquesta intervenció arqueològica es pretén delimitar el perímetre d’aquest i la recuperació i conservació de la Capella de Sant Pere documentada des del segle XV.
Amb aquestes intervencions s’ampliarà el conjunt visitable del castell, convertint-lo amb un dels actius visitables més potents del municipi.


The Republican offensive on the Ebro front in the summer of 1938 was a complex military operation. Once the passage of the infantry was consolidated, it was the turn of the boatmen (pontoners) to build the various means of passage in order to allow communication between the two banks of the Ebro river. Their mission was essential: to allow the passage of heavy weapons and to facilitate the evacuation of wounded combatants. The units in charge of achieving this mission were the “Batalló de Pontoners Número 1” (Battalion of Boatmen Number 1) and the “Batalló de Ponts Pesats Número 3” (Battalion of Heavy Bridges Number 3). The former was focused on the installation of light means of passage such as infantry’s walkways and front line bridges, and the latter was devoted to the construction of heavy metal and wooden bridges. Their work was constantly interrupted by two practices carried out by Franco: a massive aerial bombardment action and the devastating impact of the floods caused by the opening of the dams of the Pyrenean reservoirs. This procedure resulted in the temporary destruction of the bridges and the halting of the Republican offensive. However, throughout the battle, the boatmen managed to keep the bridges operational and constant traffic on the river.

The old boat passage of Ascó was a relevant place since a sluice gate was installed there. The Republican forces used a barge to communicate during the initial moments of the offensive, when the boatmen had not yet built the bridges or when they were destroyed. In this exact same place, the forces of general Franco’s boatmen set up a bridge for boats during their offensive to occupy Catalonia in the beginning of January 1939.

Another spot around Ascó that was important for the communication between the two river shores is the Reguers’ area. The Republican boatmen built a heavy wooden bridge there that remained operational during the first days of the Battle of the Ebro.


Image 1: Republican boatmen build a footbridge at the mouth of La Torre de l’Espanyol river with the Ebro. Republican boatmen build a footbridge at the mouth of La Torre de l’Espanyol river with the Ebro. Source: (Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives).
Image 2: The Republican boatment facilitate traffic with the sluice gate (Ascó’s barge). The Republican boatment facilitate traffic with the sluice gate (Ascó’s barge). Source: Historical Archives of the Communist Party of Spain (Archivo Histórico del PCE, in Spanish).
Image 3: The heavy wooden bridge built by the Republican boatmen in the Reguers area. This means of passage was destroyed by the impacts of Franco’s aviation. The heavy wooden bridge built by the Republican boatmen in the Reguers area. This means of passage was destroyed by the impacts of Franco’s aviation. Font/Fuente: Historical Archives of the Communist Party of Spain (Archivo Histórico del PCE, in Spanish).

Festa de Sant Antoni


Carmel Biarnés locates the origin of the dance of the jota of Ascó to the Moorish time, because in the “Ordinances of the town of Ascó” of 1520 the dance is already mentioned. The Clavari and the Majorals, that appear referenced in 1739 carry out the celebration like organizers and perpetuators of this one. The festival, which becomes unique in all the towns of the Tarragona region, has a whole series of characteristic features that make it unique, such as the survival of the figures of the Clavari and the Majorals, in charge of the organization; the fold, with the collection of firewood by all the town; the traditional Three Tombs, with the blessing of the animals and the blessed bread; the traditional and popular races of horses, donkeys and mules, the only ones in the Ribera d’Ebre that have never stopped taking place; the lighting of the bonfire in the square that burns for three days uninterruptedly while the Ascó jota is danced, with its own music and dance. The winter festival becomes paradigmatic by perfectly combining devotion to the Saint with recreational, pagan activity. In 2010, it was awarded the distinction of Heritage Festival of National Interest by the Generalitat de Catalunya. This festival takes place on the weekend closest to January 17 (Sant Antoni Abat). Apart from the popular festival, there are also a series of events, such as dancing, concerts and various festive activities. We recommend that you schedule a visit to Sant Antoni and get to know our town in full swing.

More information

Forn i Pastisseria Gra Bo

Adreça: Carrer Joan XXIII, 2

Telèfon: 977 404 024

Horari: de 8 a 13.30 h i de 16.30 a 20 h

Particularitats: Producció de pa artesà – Granja – Entrepans variats – Pizza – Coca Recapte – Pasteleria variada – Pastissos Personalitzats – Rebosteria

Capacitat: 25 pax

Ca Estisora

The main street is narrow and winding, like all the old streets in this small town, with strategic corners, an easy defence against any invader. Ca Estisora almost centres the street and forces you to make a perfect four.

A small tower, with crushed stone embrasures and a round hole in the wall, which is assumed to have corresponded to a door or an apparatus that closed the street; it was the watchtower of the Moorish Quarter.


Al llarg d’aquest passat cap de setmana, 11 – 12 – 13 de febrer, va tenir lloc una trobada autocaravanista a Ascó.
Una vintena d’autocaravanes és va concentrar a la remodelada Àrea d’Autocaravanes de la població i van gaudir tots plegats d’activitats programades: visites guiades al nucli antic, visites guiades al Castell d’Ascó i tast de vins i producte local al Molí del Cavaller.

Visit to the Energy Information Centre of the Ascó Nuclear Power Plant

How does electromagnetic radiation work? What are infrared waves? What happens inside the control room? How is nuclear energy produced? To find the answers to these and many other questions, the Spanish association of Ascó – Vandellòs II has designed an interactive space to disseminate the energy and operation of a Nuclear power plant.

The information center of the Ascó nuclear power plant opens its doors to bring to students and curious general aspects of electrical energy, radiation, energy generation models, safety and protection of people, as well as discovering some of the most significant elements of nuclear facilities, such as the reactor cavity, the control room or the swimming pool where the spent fuel is stored.


Visits: With prior reservation calling Tel. 977 41 52 30 or via the form on the website or by email:

Further information: Tel. 977415230.

Bar Nucleo

Adreça: Carretera de Camposines, 43

Telèfon: 977 406 095

Horari: de 6 a 23 h

Tipus de cuina: Tapeo i pizzes artesanes

Capacitat: 45 pax

Particularitats: Divendres i dissabte Montaditos / Vermouth / Promoció en combinats / Sopars de grup

The Ebro from the inside: sailing on board “Lo Roget”

From the month of May, the Ascó Tourist Office often organizes cruises along the Ebro river aboard the llaüt “Lo Roget”, a replica of the traditional boats used in the past. The trip will allow you to enjoy the Ebro river in a different way and discover its essence.

As soon as you start the trip, you will immediately have a wonderful view of the village before your eyes, with the houses piled on top of each other and the castle of Ascó at the top. Following the route down the river, you will find on your right the hermitage of the Mare de Déu del Carme, a small and white chapel located very close to the edge of the river since 1882. The Virgin is the patron saint of sailors and fishermen and the llaüters of Ascó had huge devotion to her. This is why it is situated beside the water.

Once you have passed the chapel, pay close attention and look carefully at the bottom of the river to your right and you will see the remains of the old barge of Ascó, which was used by farmers as a means of transport to cross the river and cultivate the lands of Les Illes, when the current bridge did not yet exist.

Following the river, “Lo Roget” will make its way between small islands, where the typical riparian forest grows full of tamarisks and poplars, surrounded by reeds. It’s time for birdwatching! Take out the binoculars and observe the abundant birds that live there. If you’re lucky enough, you will be able to see different types of birds, such as the kingfisher, the grey heron, the common moorhen…

As you keep sailing and listening to the whisper of the water, you will see the beginning of Pas de l’Ase and you will suddenly find yourself surrounded by a small gorge on both sides of the river. The peace and beauty of one of the most impressive landscapes of the Ribera d’Ebre will fascinate you!

If you look to your left, on top of a hill you will see the Iberian archeological site of Sant Miquel de Vinebre, which enjoys a strategic position and unique views of the surroundings. This ancient Iberian settlement is part of the Route of the Iberians and preserves remains of buildings dating from the 2nd and 1st century BC.

The boat tour lasts about one hour and a half. You can choose between a boat tour with a tasting of local products or a guided tour with experts who will tell you everything about the local fauna and flora and will lend you all the equipment to observe the different species of birds and plants.

Are you looking forward to sailing on board “Lo Roget“? Tickets must be booked in advance in the “Tickets” section of our website. If you have any questions, you can contact theTourist Office by phone +34 977 40 65 83 or by email at

XII Mostra d’arts i oficis i Tastavin’s Ascó

Dona gust visitar Ascó el cap de setmana de Tastavin’s i la Mostra d’Arts i Oficis. El poble es posa de gala i ens mostra tots els seus actius.

Passejar pels carrers, plens d’artesans diferents, que ens mostren tots els passos a l’hora de fer una figura de vidre, o un full de paper, o figures de ferro… és molt interessant, tant per adults com per criatures!

I els camins et porten al Tastavin’s, lloc de trobada imprescindible a començar o acabar el passeig i de riures regats amb vins de 4 DOs… per tots els gustos i colors.

M’agradaria destacar les tres activitats complementàries d’aquest edició: les visites comentades pel poble i pel castell, que ens donen a conèixer tot el patrimoni, per la majoria desconegut, d’Ascó: les voltes i sitges, la moreria, la mesquita… i el castell, recentment reconstruït i sorprenent… i el tast de vins a sobre del Roget. Què us he de dir? Una combinació que tot amant de la natura i del vi no pot deixar de provar.


‘Corassons’ are typical of Ascó and the Ribera d’Ebre though we do not know exactly their origin or whether the lard ones were previous to the vegetable oil ones. ‘Corassons’ are made with molds of different shapes: star, moon, flower, or heart. However, the heart shape is the one that became popular more quickly.

In some villages, there is a recipe for ‘corassons’ that uses aniseeds, an ingredient that gives a heritage value to much of our pastry. We can find this ingredient in many recipes, which makes us think about the inheritance from Islamic cuisine.


  • Eggs
  • Flour
  • Lard
  • Sugar
  • Grated lime

You can find them at:

  • FORN DE PA – PASTISSERIA MONTAÑA – Carrer Plaça Nova, 42

Olive oil

At the beginning of the 20th century, about twenty oil mills operated simultaneously in Ascó. The large concentration of these industries was because agriculture, and in particular the cultivation of olives, was the main economic source of the village. Today, most of these mills have disappeared.

One of Ascó’s star products is the olive oil, extracted from centuries-old and some millennial olive trees, as well as from young plantations.

With varieties such as arbequina or graft, an oil of great quality and flavour is produced.

You can find it at:


Carrer Afores, 2


El passat diumenge dia 16 de juliol, organitzat per la Generalitat de Catalunya i l’Ajuntament d’Ascó, va tenir lloc al Pas de barca, un dels punts on les tropes republicanes van travessar el riu Ebre, la commemoració del 85è aniversari de l’inici de la Batalla de l’Ebre. L’acte va estar encapçalat pel Molt Honorable Senyor Pere Aragonès, President de la Generalitat de Catalunya i la Consellera de Justícia, Drets i Memòria, Gemma Ubasart i González.
El Delegat del Govern a les Terres de l’Ebre, Albert Salvadó Fernández, el Director General de Memòria Democràtica, Alfons Aragoneses Aguado, la Directora del COMEBE, Cinta Farnós, així com l’Alcalde, Regidors i Regidores de l’Ajuntament d’Ascó, Alcaldes i Regidors dels pobles veïns van estar present en aquesta commemoració.
L’acte va retre memòria a les víctimes i combatents de la Batalla de l’Ebre. Entre els assistents es trobava el Sr. Salvador Farrés, un dels darrers supervivents de la lleva del Biberó. Amenitzat pel quartet Camerata XXI, es va llegir una carta de Miquel Morera, un altre dels supervivents de la Lleva i recentment reconegut amb la Creu de Sant Jordi.
La Batalla de l’Ebre es va iniciar la matinada del 25 de juliol de 1938, quan les tropes republicanes van travessar el riu Ebre per diferents punts, entre Mequinensa i Amposta i va finalitzar el 16 de novembre de 1938. En els 115 dies que va durar s’estima que hi van morir 30.000 persones, civils i soldats d’ambdós exèrcits, convertint-se en la més cruel de les batalles de la Guerra Civil.

Sant Antoni festival in Ascó: the social and festive side

One of the most anticipating moments of the Sant Antoni festival is the lighting of the bonfire! Located in the middle of the main square and well loaded with firewood provided by locals, the bonfire is clearly one of the symbolic elements of the celebration. The Clavari and the two Majorals, the Pubilles, the Damisel·les and the Hereus are in charge of lighting the bonfire, which will burn for three days in a row. Most of the social and festive events, such as the Jota and Sardana dancing and the popular meals take place around the bonfire.

Jota dancing in the main square

Every day, from 6pm until midnight, the music does not stop playing and locals dance the traditional Jota around the bonfire! With its own music and dance, the Jota of Ascó is danced in pairs and is believed to have existed since at least 1520! If you feel like dancing in the most traditional way, you can buy a Sant Antoni cake and hold it in your hand while dancing!

The musicians

Musicians play an essential role during the Sant Antoni festival as their performances accompany several events such as the first day’s plega, the Tres Tombs, the horse and donkey races and the Jota dancing in the main square. The band is made up of musicians from the village and, in many cases, the passion for music has been passed down from generation to generation within each family.

Popular meals around the bonfire

When it’s time for dinner, the music stops playing, but no one moves from the main square. It is time to go get the clotxa, a typical dish from Terres de l’Ebre made with bread, olive oil, tomato, garlic and grilled sardines. The best way to eat it is with a good glass of wine next to the bonfire, while you enjoy a music or comedy show. You can buy your ticket to get your meal in the main square.

Orquestra and party for the youngsters

After midnight, the Jota dancing stops at the main square but the party continues at the Casal Municipal, with an orchestra performing. Later on, it’s the turn of cover bands or DJs and the party lasts until dawn.

Would you like to learn how to dance the Jota around the bonfire? If you want to know more about the festival, here are two more articles that you might like: Sant Antoni Festival in Ascó: the Religious Side and Sant Antoni Festival: Animal Races and Traditional Games.

Cold meat

Asco’s artisanal cold meat is made in the workshops of our butchers following the guidelines of our ancestors. The result is top-quality cold meat, a pleasure for the most demanding palates.

The most select choice of lean pork and fresh meats, the quality and proportion of the spices, the sausage elaboration process, and the curing or drying time are all part of the taste and quality of these products.

  • White sausage
  • Black rice sausage
  • Black blood and onion sausage
  • ‘Secallona’
  • Spicy or sweet chorizo
  • Majorcan sausage

You can find them at:

  • CARNISSERIA Mª CARME – Carrer del Riu 42
  • CARNISSERIA MONJA – Carrer Placeta, 3
  • CARNISSERIA PAULINA – Plaça Església, 10

Vaults and Silos

In the Plaça Major (Main Square) the old Muslim mosque was established, later the university, thereafter town hall until 1987 and, at present, the municipal music school can be found there. Above the entrance arch of this building we can read the date of 1610, which corresponds to the year of expelling the Moors.

This square is built on top of some stone vaults which are accessed down the alley known as Secanella. This place is called Les Voltes and Sitges. Inside, some silos recall the function of cereal storage that Ascó restored from the Muslim period.

5 Activities to do in Ascó in autumn and winter

The heat and intensity of summer slowly start to disappear, but in Ascó you will find a wide variety of activities to enjoy the coldest months of the year Whether you like bike rides, whether Christmas is your favorite time of the year or if you love discovering local traditions, we share a few ideas for you to make the most of your stay in Ascó!

Bike tours around Ascó

Autumn is a good time to go out and explore the surroundings of Ascó while hiking or cycling. In mid-October, the trees on the banks of the Ebro river start to change the landscape into colorful decorations. We have prepared 6 marked itineraries of different distances, including the 39 stage of the GR-99 (Camí de Sirga) that connects Flix with Móra d’Ebre, so you can find the ideal route for you! You can rent an electric bike at the Ascó Tourist Office for just 15€ (bookings by phone +34 977 40 65 83 or via email

Tour of the Battle of the Ebro

From July 25 to November 16, 1938, the Battle of the Ebro took place and was considered one of the most intense and harsh confrontations of the Civil War (1936-1939). Ascó played an important role, as it was one of the places where the republican army crossed the river on the night of July 25 and occupied a large area that was previously in the hands of the national forces. Numerous signs of that battle still remain, such as trenches, bunkers and shelters, which can be visited.

In order to find out what happened in our territory and encourage historical memory, we suggest you visit 5 historical sites located in the municipal area of Ascó and its surroundings: the Calvari trenches, the Reguers bunker, the Camposines Memorial, the Camp of the XV Army Corps and the old boat crossing. The access to all these historical spaces is free. Here you can find more information about the Battle of the Ebro.

Christmas Fair and Cava Exhibition

To welcome the Christmas festivities, at the end of November Ascó organizes the Christmas Fair and the Cava Exhibition. Christmas decorations, lights and even a big Christmas tree… Everything will be ready for you to start feeling the Christmas atmosphere! You will find a number of stalls from local stores, food and gift items and it will be a good opportunity to start preparing for the holidays while supporting local businesses. There will also be decoration workshops for kids, entertainment and music during all the weekend. Cava lovers can not miss the opportunity to taste the most renowned cavas of our region.

Which one will be your favorite? The 14th Christmas Fair and the 12th Cava Exhibition will take place on the weekend of 2-3 December, 2023.

Sant Antoni festival

If you like local traditions, we recommend that you visit Ascó during the Sant Antoni festival, which always takes place during the weekend closest to January 17. The festival, which is recognized as a Heritage Festival of National Interest by the Catalan government, encompasses a combination of different events: religious acts of devotion to the Saint (the collection of wood, the Tres Tombs and the blessing of the animals), horse races and traditional games, and social activities (the Jota dance in the main square, popular meals around the bonfire, shows…).
It has been organized for many generations by the figures of the Clavari and the Majorals and the main stage is the square Plaça de l’Església, in the old town, where a big bonfire keeps burning throughout the weekend!

La Ribera covered in flowers

When the fields surrounding Ascó start to turn pink and white, we know it is time to say goodbye to winter To enjoy this magical moment and the beautiful landscapes, we recommend the following routes and activities that will allow you to explore the fields while discovering our historical heritage and local gastronomic specialties. You can sign up for a guided walk through Les Illes, where you will meet with local producers and will learn first-hand about the lands surrounding Ascó. You will also have a honey and wine tasting experience by the flowering trees.

You can also do the route by bike! Electric bikes can be rented at the Ascó Tourist Office for just €15. For more information on the dates of the 2023 edition and reservations, you can contact the Tourist Office by phone (+34 977 40 65 83) or by email


El passat dimecres dia 9 de febrer, l’Alcalde d’Ascó Sr. Miquel Àngel Ribes Jornet va signar en un acte esdevingut a l’Escorxador de Tortosa – Oficina de Turisme, el conveni Córner amb el Patronat de Turisme de la Diputació de Tarragona.
Mitjançant aquest conveni permet la participació conjunta i coordinada al programa de fires i a les campanyes de publicitat del Patronat de Turisme de la Diputació de Tarragona de les Terres de l’Ebre.
La participació en les fires nacionals i estatals és una de les línies bàsiques de promoció turística del territori.
Les campanyes de publicitat i comunicació multi-canal són un dels instruments més eficaços per donar a conèixer els atractius turístics del nostre territori en els mercats emissors més importants.

Els Perxes

This is how we call the antique vaults give entrance to Ascó’s wall. On Baix Street we can find the porches of Ciego, Baijunca and Cavaller; On Hospital Street, and attached to the house of the same name, we find the Peresans perxe; on the street of Plaça Nova, the perxe of Santo Domingo, and Pla de Vallxiqué, Porta de la Tarda, nowadays disappeared.

On Placeta you will find another one of the gates of the small city and on Mola Street the Portetes (small doors) are still preserved, a narrow alley or passageway for the clandestine entrance and exit of the town.

Bar del Camp

Adreça: Avinguda de la Central

Telèfon: 606 680 634

Horari: 08.00-21.00 h. Dilluns matí tancat

Tipus establiment: Bar

Capacitat: 50 pax

Especialitats: Cafè, tapes i esmorzars

Hiking in Ascó

We have designed up to 8 routes, properly signposted, for hiking through our municipal area, some of them are also suitable for cycling. The routes allow us to discover the municipality of Ascó in its entirety. Climbing up to the highest ridges of the Serra del Tormo, Pic de L’àguila, a great Miranda from Ribera D’ebre. A stroll through the most fertile fields on the islands, the River Plain of Ascó. Discovering the areas of the battle of the Ebro, entering military camps and bunkers. Sighting riverside landscapes frequented by llaüters in the Pas de l’ase, a small canyon that draws the river Ebro between Ascó and Garcia.

Routes on Wikiloc

Carrer de la Mola

Without a doubt it is, along with Sequerets Street, one of the most typical streets in Ascó. This balcony over the Ebro follows the old layout of the walls of Ascó. On Mola Street, the houses leave the corridor of walls free that were destroyed by bombings from the other side of the river during the Spanish Civil War of 1936-1939. Nowadays you can still see some of these walls on Mola, Nova Square and on the streets of Cavaller and Trinquet. The walls of the squares and houses are made of stone and mud or, simply, of mud.

Mola Street, shaped like a horseshoe, retains the typical doorways of houses of fan-shaped bricks, clearly a Moroccan influence. From this location there is a magnificent view of the Ebro, Illes, Pas de l’Ase and Montsant in the background.


El dia 5 de juliol va començar a Ascó una nova etapa de la Marxa pels Sediments.
Aquesta etapa va discórer entre les poblacions d’Ascó i Móra d’Ebre.
La Marxa pels Sediments reclama a l’estat espanyol que passi a l’acció amb una pla de gestió de les preses de la conca del riu Ebre, que posi a funcionar els desguassos de fons i tècniques de mobilització sedimentària, com els buidatges i el dragatge, que ja han estat estudiats i quantificats per molts experts.
La marxa amb caiacs aigües avall del riu, impulsada per l’Associació Sediments, ha permès interactuar amb la població dels municipis riberencs.


El dilluns dia 12 de juliol, Ascó donava el tret de sortida al camp de treball Descoberta de les trinxeres del Calvari.
El Consorci Memorial de la Batalla de l’Ebre (COMEBE) i la Fundació Escolta Josep Carol gestionen aquest mes de juliol tres camps de treball vinculats a la batalla de l’Ebre, que tenen com a eix l’arqueologia en alguns dels espais del que fou el combat més important de la Guerra Civil. L’objectiu és recuperar trinxeres i vestigis d’aquests llocs històrics i iniciar-ne les tasques de rehabilitació. Aquesta activitat forma part del programa de camps de treball organitzat per la Direcció General de Joventut.
La presentació del camp als participants va anar a càrrec de la Sra. Teresa Ferré, Directora del COMEBE, la Sra. Carolina Baiges, Regidora de Turisme de l’Ajuntament d’Ascó i la Sra. Mireia Vila, arqueòloga.


El dijous dia 26 de juliol una vintena de nens i nenes i les seves monitores de l’esplai Rebellugat van poder gaudir d’una passejada a bord del llaüt Lo Roget.
Aquesta activitat es va convertint en un clàssic dins de les propostes del casal asconenc fent les delícies d’aquests petits i petites que poden gaudir d’un passeig pel riu Ebre i del paisatge que l’envolta a bord del llaüt Lo Roget.


El dilluns 22 de febrer s’ha donat el tret de sortida a la campanya “LA RIBERA EN FLOR” amb la presentació a la premsa de totes les activitats previstes durant aquests dies als diferents municipis de la comarca.
Ascó hi participa amb activitats conjuntes amb Vinebre consistint aquestes amb visites als camps florits i tastos de mel i vins.
Coincidint amb la floració, Ascó també presenta els dies 26 de febrer i 5 de març una visita guiada al castell d’Ascó, on de la ma d’un historiador podran conèixer la història fascinant d’aquest indret gaudint des de la terrassa de la Garita del meravellós espectacle que ofereixen els camps florits als seus peus. Per acabar es farà un tast de vins i productes locals al Molí del Cavaller.

Sant Antoni festival in Ascó: the religious side

The festival of Sant Antoni in Ascó has been recognized as a Heritage Festival of National Interest by the Catalan government since 2010 and preserves traditions that have been passed down from generation to generation for many years.

It is considered to be Ascó’s biggest winter festival and takes place during the weekend closest to January 17. The celebration is dedicated to Sant Antoni, the patron saint of animals. Although this festival is celebrated in other neighboring villages, Ascó has managed to preserve a series of aspects and symbols that make it unique.

The organizers: the Clavari and the Majorals

The Clavari and the two Majorals, together with the priest, are in charge of organizing the festival, preparing the program and ensuring that everything runs smoothly. Their role is essential, based on commitment and dedication. The figure of these three protagonists appears referenced since 1739 and has been maintained since then.

Firewood collection and plega

The festival begins with the collection of firewood that locals leave at the doorsteps of their houses and which is used to fuel a big bonfire in the main square. The plega (collection of money) also takes place in the streets of the town, which were used to cover the expenses of the festival in the past.

Tres Tombs

The second day of the festival begins early in the morning with the Tres Tombs, when locals meet in the main square (plaça de l’Església) and follow an itinerary through the village with their animals. The procession is headed by the Clavari and the two Majorals and there is a stop at the Clavari’s house to get the statue of the Saint (that has been kept there during the whole year). The procession ends in front of the church, where the priest blesses the animals and gives them the blessed bread. This is another example of the devotion and faith of locals towards the Saint, since there is a belief that the animals must be blessed to be able to participate in the races and to not get hurt throughout the year.

Mass in honor of Sant Antoni

Afterwards, a mass is held in honor of Sant Antoni and there is another procession where the statue of the Saint is moved from the church to the house of the new Clavari, who invites everyone to a breakfast. Have you already visited Ascó during the Sant Antoni Festival? If you want to know more about the festival, here are two more articles that you might like: Sant Antoni Festival in Ascó: Animal Races and Traditional Games and Sant Antoni Festival: the Social and Festive Side.

Visita del Bus a Cegues – XATIC

El dissabte dia 19/06/2021 vam rebre la visita del BUS A CEGUES que promou la XATIC ( Xarxa de Turisme Industrial de Catalunya). Aquest grup, format per 23 persones provinents de diferents poblacions, realitzaren una visita a l’antic Molí i un tast de productes locals. Durant la seva estada a la nostra població feren un recorregut pel nucli antic aprofitant per adquirir diferents productes de Km0 als comerços locals.

Traveking by motor home: one weekend in Ascó

During a motor home trip around Terres de l’Ebre, you can not miss a stop in Ascó! Right at the entrance of the village via the C-12 road (northern access), you will immediately find themotor home area, where you can stay overnight for up to 48 hours free of charge. The area has all the services you may need during your stay (supply of drinking water, emptying of gray and black water, public toilets), a picnic area and a children’s play area. Right next to it, you will find a sports complex with paddle tennis, football and tennis courts and a skate park.

If you are looking for outdoor activities…

  • Cycling around Les Illes to the Vinebre dock. You can rent electric bikes at the Tourist Office from 15€ (bookings by phone +34 977 40 65 83 or via email
  • Sailing along the Ebro river on board “Lo Roget” (contact the Tourist Office to book your spot).
  • Kayaking on the Ebro river from Ascó to Móra la Nova or Miravet. You can check here the list of companies where you can rent kayaks.
  • Hiking to Punta de l’Àliga to get an amazing view! You will find other marked hiking routes here.

If you want to learn more about the local heritage…

  • A walking tour to discover the Morisco past of Ascó.
  • Hiking to the castle of Ascó.
  • A guided tour of Asco’s old town and the old Moriso quarter (contact the Tourist Office to organize your tour).

If you want to combine nature and heritage…

What is the best time to visit Ascó?

Every season of the year is special to visit Ascó! If you like cultural tourism and want to experience a traditional festival like a local, we recommend that you visit Ascó during the weekend closest to January 17, during the Sant Antoni festival. If you prefer outdoor activities, the best time for hiking and cycling are spring and the first months of autumn. Summer is a good time to enjoy the Festa Major in August and the water activities on the Ebro river. And the municipal swimming pool is just 300 meters away from the motor home area!

Local stores

At the entrance of the motor home area you will find an explanatory panel with a list of the facilities and services that exist in Ascó and the stores where you can buy everything you need for your stay.

If you need more ideas about what to visit in Ascó depending on the season, you can take a look at these two articles:5 activities to do in Ascó in autumn and winter and 5 activities to do in Ascó in spring.

If you want us to help you prepare your stay in Ascó, do not hesitate to contact us by phone +34 977 40 65 83 or by email at


El passat dia 10 de juliol va donar inici el segon camp de treball consecutiu que se celebra a Ascó per tal de recuperar part de les trinxeres situades al voltant de l’ermita del Calvari.
Els camps de treball que es duràan a terme a les Terres de l’Ebre seran a Ascó, la Fatarella i el Pinell de Brai. Tots tres relacionats amb els espais de la Batalla de l’Ebre i que, per tant, tenen la col·laboració del Consorci Memorial dels Espais de la Batalla de l’Ebre (COMEBE). Aquests camps estan capitanejats per la Fundació Escolta Josep Carol.
24 joves d’entre 14 i 17 anys hi participen aquest any. Al municipi riberenc hi ha diversos espais de la Batalla de l’Ebre per recuperar i, per aquest motiu s’ha plantejat recuperar una zona de trinxeres situada al Calvari d’Ascó a tocar de l’Ermita del Calvari. L’objectiu és vincular-la a la ruta de senderisme GR-99, ja que hi passa a la vora i en el transcurs d’aquesta també s’hi troba el Búnquer dels Reguers.
Els camps de treball són espais de convivència i creixement personal, al llarg de 15 dies els i les joves descobreixen i es descobreixen. Des de l’inici fins al final els joves es responsabilitzen no només de la tasca tècnica concreta de cada camp sinó que aprenen a participar i a viure col·lectivament.

Sant Antoni festival in Ascó: animal races and tradicional games

The Sant Antoni festival in Ascó encompasses several symbolic elements that make it unique. Besides the religious side of the celebration, which revolves around the devotion to the Saint as the protector of animals, another essential aspect that characterizes the celebration are the animal races and traditional games.

The traditional horse and donkey races

The traditional horse and donkey races are the only ones in the area that have never stopped happening. They take place three of the four days that the festival lasts; the first two races are held at the Fontxinxella horse circuit and the third race at Clots Street, as it was done in the past. It is a straight and steep street located in the middle of the village which, on the occasion of the festival, is exceptionally filled with soil so that animals can run more easily.

If you can only attend one race, we recommend that you do not miss the one in Clots Street on the last day of the festival: you will go through an authentic experience! Locals stand on the balconies on both sides of the street, filled to the brim with people. To the cry of “Que Sant Antoni mos guardo!”, (Sant Antoni protects us), the race starts along with the music played by the local band. Horse races are impressive for their speed but the donkey races are the most fun! Donkeys go from side to side and sometimes they even turn around and go in the opposite direction of the finish line.


Ascó has also managed to keep the traditional prizes for the winners of the races. The first two winners get a rooster each and the third one gets a huge onion, in addition to money (a reward that was added later).

Traditional games

Although they have only been included in the program for about twenty years, the traditional games in the main square (plaça de l’Església) have become one of the most awaited events of the festival, especially for kids! During the afternoon of the third day of the festival, the main square is filled with traditional Catalan games! Kids and adults are all welcome to play traditional bowling or the Catalan version of piñata with a ceramic pot, or take part in a stone race. You’ll even get the chance to get on a donkey and try to grab as many ribbons as possible with a pitchfork! After playing a few games,
you can enjoy a very typical snack. If you are coming with kids, you can not miss it!

Would you like to attend one of these races? If you want to know more about the festival, here are two more articles that you might like: Sant Antoni Festival in Ascó: the Religious Side and Sant Antoni Festival: the Social and Festive Side.

Batalla de l’Ebre

The Battle of the Ebro represented the confrontation of the best military units of two great armies: the People’s Army of the Republic and the Francoist army sent to the Ebro in order to repel the Republican offensive.

The route of the Battle of the Ebro Areas includes a series of routes through historical spaces and interpretation centers distributed throughout the region of Terra Alta and the Ribera d’Ebre, the main scenes of the 115 days of fighting which made the Ebro the hardest, bloodiest and decisive battle of the whole war.

In Ascó we can visit two places that are part of the Battle of the Ebro Areas, the Reguers bunker and the Camp of the 15th Army Corps.

Camp of the 15th Corps of the Army

In 2005 a huge republican camp built in 1938 was discovered on the northern slope of the Sierra de la Fatarella, the remains of the camp of the XV Army Corps of the Ebro, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Manuel Tagüeña.

The camp, built of stone and distributed on four terraces on different levels of the mountain slope, was a real village, where between July and November 1938, it is estimated that there were 5,000 Republican soldiers who lived there for 115 days. Which lead to the Battle of the Ebro. It also has shelters dug into the rock to protect the military from the bombing of Franco’s aircraft. The camp had sheltered rooms for the commanders, some of whom had direct access to the shelter.

The camp of the XV Army Corps was a real organizational point, which served as a place of instruction and training, distribution of food and ammunition and also for assistance and evacuation of the wounded.

Its location in a hidden and well-defended place, with a great visual dominion over the river, served to maintain a continuous contact with the republican rear. Staff later moved to the Flix anti-aircraft shelter, built on the need to create defensive structures to protect the civilian population from the constant bombing of the air force.

Bunker of the Reguers

The bunker of the Reguers is a defensive construction that was part of the system of permanent fortifications called “Fortified Line of the Cabeza de Puente Riba-roja-Flix-Ascó”, and had a dual purpose: to control the area near the river to prevent a possible Republican attack and defend the railroad track.

This fortified line was built by the Francoist army on reaching the river Ebro, and remained under its power until the offensive of July 25, 1938, when Republican soldiers crossed the river and occupied it without finding it. there is too much resistance. The surprise attack had been a success.

The bunker remained in Republican territory for most of the Battle of the Ebro, but only in the last few days were Republican soldiers fortified there to gain time and allow an organized retreat to Flix.

After the Battle of the Ebro, the Francoists occupied it from November 15 until the end of December, when they began the campaign on Catalonia.


Thanks to the work of the land and the care of its vineyards along with a great elaboration process, our local winery offers us high-quality wines that will surely bring you back memories of these lands full of hidden treasures.

With varieties such as Grenache Noir, Macabeo, Parellada, Carignan and Muscat, Celler Serra produces a selection of wines that go well with fish dishes, meats, snacks and desserts.

  • White ‘de l’Illa’ – Macabeo
  • Black ‘de l’Illa’ – Black Grenache, Carignan
  • Sweet black wine – Grenache noir
  • Muscat – Small grain muscat
  • Mellow wine – Macabeo
  • Balastrera – aperitif wine
  • Sparkling wine – Macabeo, Parellada

You can buy them at:


Carrer Joan XXIII, 1

Coques de Sant Antoni

The ‘Coques de Sant Antoni” are cakes typical of Ascó. They are usually made for the Sant Antoni festivities declared to be of national tourist interest. During these festivities, boys and girls carry these cakes in their hands while dancing the typical jota around a large bonfire in the town square.


    • flour
    • sugar
    • oil
    • eggs
    • yeast
    • lime spirit
    • anise
    • aniseeds

    You can find it at:

    • FORN DE PA – PASTISSERIA MONTAÑA – Carrer Plaça Nova, 42


El dijous dia 15 de juliol, vam rebre la visita institucional del Sr. Antoni Font i Renom, Director General de Memòria Democràtica, del Sr. Àlex Sastre i Prieto, Director General de Joventut, i de la Sra. Núria Ramón i Pérez, Directora General de l’Agència Catalana de la Joventut.
Un cop realitzada la salutació institucional i signatura al llibre d’honor de l’Ajuntament, acompanyats dels seus respectius sub-directors, representants a les Terres de l’Ebre així com de membres del consistori asconenc es van desplaçar fins el camp de treball: LES TRINXERES DEL CALVARI D’ASCÓ.
Aquest camp està gestionat per la Fundació Escolta Josep Carol i el COMEBE. L’integren 21 joves catalans d’entre 14 i 17 anys dirigits per l’arqueòloga Sra. Mireia Vila i tres monitors.
Es tracta d’una intervenció arqueològica a un espai que va ser escenari de la Batalla de l’Ebre.

Descobrint l’essència de l’Ebre

Coneixeu totes les espècies d’aus que viuen a l’Ebre?

L’Ajuntament d’Ascó i la Reserva Natural de Sebes ofereixen visites guiades a sobre del llaüt Lo Roget per veure i explicar la fauna que habita a l’Ebre. Jo, fins que no vaig fer la visita amb els experts de la Reserva, no em podia ni imaginar que l’Ebre fos un espai de trobada de tanta vida!

Tot un plaer navegar per espais de vegetació exuberant, per illetes i galatxos plens de vida.

No us perdeu l’experiència. De ben segur que us quedareu amb les ganes de saber-ne més!


Dies que es realitza durant el 2019:

11 i 18 maig

9, 22 i 23 juny

7, 20 i 21 juliol

4, 17 i 31 agost

8, 22 i 28 setembre

12 i 20 octubre

Més informació al Roget Ornitològic PDF.



Coques d’Ascó

One of the most typical traditional sweets in the village.


  • Sugar
  • Vegetable oil
  • Anisseed
  • Coriander
  • Lime spirit (optional)
  • Fresh yeast
  • Flour
  • Eggs

You can find them at:

  • FORN DE PA – PASTISSERIA MONTAÑA – Carrer Plaça Nova, 42

Molí del Cavaller

At the beginning of the 20th century, Ascó had twenty oil mills working simultaneously. The considerable concentration of these industries was due to the fact that the peasantry, and in particular the cultivation of olive trees, constituted the main economic source of the small city.

Nowadays most of these mills have disappeared. The mill of Cavaller, recently restored and renovated, offers visits where you can learn more about what this industrial heritage has meant for the municipality.


Aquest matí, la Cosellera de la Presidència, Hble.Sra.Laura Vilagrà Pons, acompanyada per la Presidenta del Consell Comarcal de la Ribera d’Ebre, Sra. Gemma Carim, la Directora dels Serveis Territorials del Departament de la Presidència a les Terres de l’Ebre, Sra. Pilar Caballé Tudó, la Regidora de Turisme de l’Ajuntament d’Ascó, Sra. Carolina Baiges i alcaldes i regidors de la comarca ha donat per inaugurada les obres de senyalització i consolidació del Camí de Sirga – Camí de Riu, així com la consolidació del ferm del Pas de l’Ase.
El camí de Sirga, s’està convertint en un referent pels amants del senderisme i a la vegada un actiu turístic de gran valor per Ascó que ja forma part de la Marca de Senderisme a Catalunya promoguda per l’Agència Catalana de Turisme.

The Angel’s Procession

The Angel’s Procession is a local and unique version of the classic Resurrection Sunday or Easter Sunday processions. In Ascó, the Angel’s Procession is not really a procession but rather a para-theatrical representation andone of the most unique processions in Catalonia.

It has been performed since immemorial times and it stages the encounter between Mary and the resurrected Jesus, which is why it is always celebrated on Easter Sunday. The staging takes place in the main square (Plaça de l’Església) after mass and is accompanied by a guitar and violin score especially created by a local musician for the occasion.

A long white carpet is rolled out between the image of the Virgin and the image of the Blessed Sacrament. A little boy under the age of 7 from the village, dressed as an angel and carrying a white flag, walks in front of the Virgin towards the monstrance.. The girls who have celebrated their first Holy Communion during the year follow him.The boys who have recently been confirmed carry the image of the Virgin Mary on their shoulders and they bring it in front of the Blessed Sacrament. At the end of the representation, the little kids of the village throw flower petals.


The boat passage

At the beginning of the Republican offensive, the Ascó sector of the Ebro front was an important spot due to the river. The forces of the 35th International Division (belonging to the Spanish Republican Army) were expected to cross the Ebro river through two different areas. In the north of Ascó, the units of the XIth International Brigade Thäelmann were supposed to cross with the goal of occupying the village and advancing towards la Fatarella. Meanwhile, the XIIIth International Brigade Dombrowski were to cross in the south of Ascó, in order to penetrate the enemy’s defense, occupy both the Camposines intersection and Corbera d’Ebre and advance in the direction of Gandesa. Following them, the XVth International Brigade Lincoln had to cross the Ebro in the exact same point and their mission was to provide help with the occupation of Ascó and to continue the invasion towards Gandesa. The point where the forces of the XIIIth and XVth International Brigades were supposed to cross was the confluence of the Torre de l’Espanyol river with the Ebro river, two hundred meters upstream from the current Vinebre pier; it was actually in front of the former kilometric point 181 of the railway line from Zaragoza to Barcelona, in the area of the Mossollo del Mas del Flare (territory of Ascó). In the meanwhile, the crossing point of the XIth International Brigade was set north of Ascó, in the area of Aubals. The Franco’s units defending the Ascó sector were part of the 50th Division, specifically, the XVIth and the XVIIth battalions of Mérida in the front line and the IVth battalion of Girona in the rear guard around la Fatarella.

The attack in the southern sector started at 3 am on the night of July 25, 1938 and the 50th battalion of Adam Mickiewicz (XIIIth International Brigade) operated in the vanguard. After a short firefight, Franco’s forces, surprised by the scale of the attack, moved back in disorder while others seeked refuge in Ascó. Quickly, the progress of the Republican troops went on. The XVth International Brigade crossed the Ebro behind the XIIIth brigade and increased the crack in the enemy’s formation.

Meanwhile, in the northern sector, the XIth International Brigade started to cross at 4 am and faced a more organized resistance which made the crossing more difficult. However, the deep penetration of the Republican forces of the XIIIth and XVth brigades had just weakened Franco’s defense and the Republican units occupied Ascó at 10.40 am. Later on, inside the railway tunnel near Ascó, the command post of the lieutenant colonel Juan Modesto Guilloto León, head of the Ebro’s Army, was established. A republican military hospital was also set up there.


Image 1: Republican forces of the 35th International Division in Ascó. Republican forces of the 35th International Division in Ascó. Source: Historical Archives of the Communist Party of Spain (Archivo Histórico del PCE, in Spanish)..
Image 2: Propaganda image of the Republican forces in Ascó. Propaganda image of the Republican forces in Ascó. Source: Historical Archives of the Communist Party of Spain (Archivo Histórico del PCE, in Spanish).
Image 3: In the center of the image, the lieutenant colonel Juan Modesto (head of the Ebro Army) at his command post, located in the tunnel in Ascó. In the center of the image, the lieutenant colonel Juan Modesto (head of the Ebro Army) at his command post, located in the tunnel in Ascó. Source: Historical Archives of the Communist Party of Spain (Archivo Histórico del PCE, in Spanish).



El passat diumenge 23 de juliol es va donar per finalitzat el tercer Camp de Treball de les Trinxeres del Calvari. Durant dues setmanes 24 joves i 3 monitors d’arreu de Catalunya han desenvolupat tasques de descoberta de les trinxeres que hi han al voltant de l’Ermita del Calvari. A banda d’aquestes tasques els joves han pogut gaudir de xerrades, visites guiades a diferents espais històrics de la Batalla de l’Ebre, visita al Centre d’Informació de l’Energia de la C.N. d’Ascó, Jocs tradicionals promoguts per l’Associació Cultural Lo Llaüt, piscina i acampada entre altres.


El dia 25 de juliol, coincidint amb el 85é Aniversari de l’inici de la Batalla de l’Ebre i com ve sent habitual, es va celebrar a la Cota 705 del Pinell de Brai l’acte d’homenatge a les víctimes i combatents de la Batalla de l’Ebre. Pàndols torna a estremir-se recordant les víctimes en el punt on va iniciar-se la Batalla de l’Ebre fa 85 anys. Promogut pel COMEBE va comptar amb la presencia del Sr.Lluís Montull Martínez, director dels Serveis Territorials del Departament de Justícia a les Terres de l’Ebre, del Sr. Lluís Agut, president del Consell Comarcal de la Terra Alta, Alcaldes, Regidors i Regidores de les poblacions veïnes, el Sr. Salvador Farrés, combatent de la Lleva del Biberó supervivent de la Batalla de l’Ebre i dels joves del Camp de Treball de Caseres que van posar veu a una emotiva carta del Sr. Miquel Morera que degut a la seva avançada edat no va poder assistir a l’acte.
L’Ajuntament d’Ascó, membre del COMEBE, va estar representat per la Sra. Carolina Baiges, Regidora de Turisme i pel Sr. Josep M. Raduà, Regidor de Cultura i Patrimoni.
Mentre aquests joves d’entre 15 i 17 anys netegen trinxeres, joves de la seva mateixa edat hi lluitaven i hi morien fa 85 anys. “Els queda tan lluny la transició i la guerra civil com a la nostra generació la Segona Guerra Mundial. Hem d’involucrar-los perquè els valors perdurin, sobretot davant de l’amenaça real actual”, ha defensat Cinta Farnós, presidenta del Consorci Memorial per la Batalla de l’Ebre.

Templar Ascó

In 1153 the Count Ramon Berenguer IV gave the Templars properties in Ascó. In 1175, Alfons I ceded them the Ascó castle. In 1182, the monarch gave the Templars that castle, though it kept some of its rights and, finally in 1210, Pere I gave all the rights he held to Ascó and Riba-roja. This meant the Templars obtained full seigniory.


At the end of the military reconquest of the area comprised between Lleida and Tortosa, there was a big Saracen population, deep-rooted from old and essentially devoted to the culture of the land. It is believed that the Christian forces suggested the expulsion of the Saracens, but facing a lack of human people to proceed with the repopulation and to prevent a depopulation harmful to the economy of the Segre and the Ebro riverbanks, Berenguer IV chose to secure the continued presence of that population by offering them direct protection and by granting the preservation of their language, culture, religion and their legal and political organization.

Ascó Muslims kept living in la moreria, surrounded by walls as the recently arrived Christian population built their houses outside, separating thus the Moorish and the Christian areas.


The images in ten big drawings conserved on the prison wall of the Chinon castle, in the French valley of the Loire River, photographed and analysed by Pros, allow us to document that the treasure of the Temple was buried around the Encomienda of Ascó in 1306. The treasure had been saved in Cyprus in two ships that passed through Turtusa in Syria, arrived to the Catalan Tortosa, from where, during 14 years (form 1292 to 1306) the precious and mysterious coffers were carried up in llaüts.


With the arrival of the Templars to the village, Ascó transformed and grew. The newly arrived Christians built houses outside the walls while, little by little, a Christian area appeared next to the Saracen one that constituted a new closed village. The Templars turned the Saracen castle into a defensive and religious fortress, a Christian church was built and in the river, the commercial activity never ceased. Ascó, along with Tortosa, controlled the fluvial and terrestrial commerce in the Ebro.

The cohabitation among cultures deteriorated until the Moors were expelled from the Iberian Peninsula. A period of decadence began, when most of the treasures forged in Ascó became endangered. There was a population loss, the agricultural production dropped and the fluvial commerce diminished.

Moorish Ascó


In the beginning of the 14th century, after the Order of the Temple abolition (1312), Ascó became a hospitaller encomienda under the Amposta castellany. The hospitaller encomienda of Ascó, according to Pere el Cerimonios’ census in the second half of the 14th century, comprised the following municipalities: Berrús, Riba-roja, Ascó, les Camposines, la Fatarella, Vilalba, Vinebre and la Torre de l’Espanyol.

Ascó’s encomendero owned a house in the village, still preserved in the second half of the 19th century, that received the name Casa del Encomendador. The encomendero was in charge of the population’s government and took part in the war against Joan II. To the castle of Ascó came, from Aitona, the prince of Viana Carles d’Aragó and from there, he was moved to Zaragoza, prior to the time of the war mentioned. During that war, the archbishop of Zaragoza’s forces, the order of Saint John, took over Ascó in 1466.


It is worth saying that, around 1510 the Saracen population was already fully Christian. They were the ancient Moors or new Christians and they were different from the old Christians. Around 1562, it is known that Ascó had two universities, the inner (with new Christians, replacing the aljama) and the outer (old Christians) which would be unified later on in 1509. Both of them, the new Christians or inner university and the old Christians or outer university, had their own order.

Ascó Muslims increased from 56% (1329), 77.5% (1380), 80.31% (1497) to 82% (1600). First Sarrasin and then Moor, the Muslim population in Ascó prevailed until their expulsion.


According to Henri Lapeyre, in Geographie de l’Espagne Morisque, Ascó was one of the villages in the Catalan Ebro with a higher Moor population. The consequences of the Moors expulsion from Ascó (35% of the population) were so ill-fated that in 1615 the village counselors wrote: “… the village remains today deserted, without universities, its houses ruined and destroyed, and the fields and vineyards and olive trees and mulberries devoid of people that cultivate them, headed to the same ruin and destruction, greatly diminishing the yields of the encomienda”.

The mistaken royal decision brought not only misery and desolation to the fertile riverside lands of the two greatest rivers in Catalonia, but filled the hearts of all the Catalans that witnessed the expulsion of such a fair people with grief and sadness.


With the consolidation of Christianity, Ascó slowly recovered its economic, social and cultural activity. The leading figure of the encomendador appeared, the person who ruled over Ascó, and the first manor house associated to a noble title in Ascó, Cal Cavaller. The village split in two, the Christian area and the Moor area, both with internal and external connections through the gates.

The International Brigades

The International Brigades were a military unit of the Spanish Republican Army, organized by the Komintern, and made up of around 35.000 anti-fascist civil volunteers from around the world. Combatants from up to 54 countries enlisted to fight fascism in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Despite the military inexperience of most of its members, the International Brigades became the shock force and the backbone of the Republican Army. Thus, they fought in the most important battles of the war: the defense of Madrid (November – December 1936), the Corunna road (January 1937), Jarama (February 1937), Guadalajara (March 1937), La Granja (May – June 1937), Brunete (July 1937), Belchite (August – September 1937), Teruel (December 1937 – February 1938), the fall and retreat of Aragon (March – April 1938) and they also participated in the offensive and subsequent Battle of the Ebro (July – November 1938). The International Brigades were withdrawn from the front on September 23, 1938 and subsequently demobilized following the Munich Agreement (September 29-30, 1938). They briefly returned to combat as an international group in the end of January and during February 1939, in defense of the last Catalan territory loyal to the Spanish Republic and after having crossed the French border on February 9, 1939. In the summer of 1938, the International Brigades were more of a theoretical force than a real one, since only a third of its members were international volunteers. This was as a result of the bloody attacks suffered by these combatants during the war and the decrease in the arrival of new volunteers, being the remaining two thirds represented by Catalan and Spanish fighters.


The forces of the International Brigades that fought in the Ascó sector remained integrated in the 35th International Division: the XIth International Brigade Thäelmann, the XIIIth International Brigade Dombrowski and the XVth International Brigade Lincoln.

Image 1 : Commemorative plaque of the XIIIth International Brigade Dombrowski. Commemorative plaque of the XIIIth International Brigade Dombrowski. Source: (Josep Munté i Mateu).
Image 2 : Poster of the International Brigades. Poster of the International Brigades. Source: (Spain at war).
Image 3: Funeral of Chaskiel Honigstein, Polish international volunteer of Jewish origin, in Barcelona on October 8, 1938. Funeral of Chaskiel Honigstein, Polish international volunteer of Jewish origin, in Barcelona on October 8, 1938. Source: (La Vanguardia).

Coques de recapte

It is a typical cake of many catalan counties, especially in our territory.

This is a savory cake that in Ascó has as ingredients: a fine base of bread, roasted red pepper, lots of onion and herring or sausage.

It is a delight for the most demanding palates.

  • FORN DE PA – PASTISSERIA MONTAÑA – Carrer Plaça Nova, 42

An itinerary through 5 spots of the Ebro Battle

Due to its strategic location, Ascó has on numerous occasions witnessed important historical events. In 1938, Ascó was once again the scene of a key episode in our country’s most recent history. For 115 days, one of the toughest and most transcendent battles of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) took place: the Battle of the Ebro.

During the last few years, different places that witnessed the fighting (bunkers, trenches, shelters…) have been recovered and memorials and interpretation centers have been created with the aim of promoting the historical memory of the Spanish Civil War. The following itinerary by car will take you to 5 different historic spots located in the municipality of Ascó and its surroundings (access is open to everybody and visits are free of charge).

Calvari trenches

The starting point of the route is at the southern entrance to the village, where there is a path to access the hermitage of the Calvari on foot (approximately 15 minutes). The views from the top of the hill are amazing! From there, you can see how the Ebro forms a natural border that was used by both sides during the war. A few meters from the hermitage, you will see several lines of trenches that were built at the time in order to take advantage of this strategic position.

The Reguers bunker

A little less than a kilometer away from the trenches is the second point of the itinerary. By car, you will have to continue along the C-12B road and take the first exit on the left. Soon you will find a defensive construction overlooking the river. This concrete bunker was built by Franco’s army when they reached the Ebro river and was used to defend the railway line and to control the area. The bunker was part of a more extensive set of fortifications that reached the top of the Fatarella mountain range, strategically located and connected to each other through an extensive and diversified line of trenches.

The Camposines Memorial

If you continue in the direction of Gandesa, after about 10 km of driving through landscapes of pine trees, vineyards, almond trees and olive fields, you will find the Camposines Memorial on your left. Built on top of an old trench, the memorial is a space dedicated to mourning and to the memory of all the combatants who took part in the battle and lost their lives. The memorial contains information on historical events and the soldiers. It is a good place to understand the evolution of the Battle of the Ebro and learn a little more about the participation of the soldiers of the International Brigades.

The Camp of the XV Army Corps

To get to the next spot, you will need to take the car again and follow the C-12B road for a few meters until you find, on the right, the turnoff to Fatarella. After about 8 km and once you have passed the village, follow the T-733 for about another 3 km until you reach the Camp of the XV Army Corps. This is definitely one of the most impressive spots of the Battle of the Ebro: a large republican camp built in 1938, where around 5,000 republican soldiers lived during the 115 days that the battle lasted. Thanks to its strategic location, the camp became a
place of instruction, distribution of provisions and ammunition and a place where assistance to the wounded soldiers was provided. Although only the structure and the different rooms can be seen nowadays, it is quite impressive to observe the shelters dug into the rock that soldiers used to protect themselves from the attacks of Franco’s aviation.

The old boat crossing

To visit the last spot of the route, you will need to return to Ascó on the T-733 road (approximately 10 km)
and cross the bridge by car. You can also cross the bridge by bike or on foot, on the adapted footbridge on the side. Once on the other side, turn right and keep walking along the river and you will soon reach the old boat crossing of Ascó. This crossing was an important place during the Spanish Civil War, as it enabled communication between republican forces and was also used as a means of supply of products and ammunition.

Which one of these historic spots would you like to visit first? If you want to know more about the Battle of the Ebro, you will find more information in our article.

Bar Florida

Adreça: Carretera de Camposines, 78

Telèfon: 659 010 621

Horari: de 5.45 a 21 h tot l’any

Tipus de cuina: Tapes i entrepans

Capacitat: 120 pax

Especialitat en entrepans i pop a la gallega

Guided tour of the old Town

Discover one of the largest and most representative Morerias in Catalonia

A guided tour of the old Town is offered from Ascó tourist office. The aim of the visit is that the visitor will know the rich cultural heritage of Ascó related to the Muslim and Christian era and understand the urban evolution of Ascó during the medieval and modern period. The route passes through the most significant streets and buildings of the Moreria of Ascó (the original nucleus formerly enclosed by walls) and the Christian zone or university outside which will be configured in the walls with newly arrived Christian population after the Christian reconquest. The visit allows us to know the “perches”, the old medieval market, the house of the Comanador, the Voltes and Sitges, La Mola Street, the Sequerets Street, the church, the snow Well, Cal Pere Sans, Cal Cavaller and other buildings and corners of the village.

The visit must be arranged in advance at theoffice.


PDF tourist plan

5 Activities to do in Ascó in spring

With the arrival of spring, the days get longer and the riverside landscapes that surround Ascó begin to take on a special color. We give you 5 ideas to enjoy Ascó during this time of the year that will allow you to discover the town’s heritage, with a mix of cultural and nature activities and gastronomy!

Hiking around Ascó

The increasingly pleasant temperatures and the omnipresent sun make it the ideal time to enjoy outdoor activities! What do you prefer: hiking around the banks of the river, to the top of a mountain or in historical places? There are so many options! In our article about hiking around Ascó you will find 8 different marked routes that will take you on amazing adventures. Do not forget that nature is our home and we must be respectful of the flora and fauna we encounter during our hikes.

Kayaking on the Ebro river

If you prefer water activities, one of the best ways to discover the Ebro river is going on a kayaking trip! Don’t forget your binoculars to observe the birds… The peaceful atmosphere and the diversity of flora and fauna will leave you in awe! From Ascó, you can go to Móra la Nova (around 3 hours) or if you feel like taking a longer trip you can go until Miravet (around 5 hours). Several companies in the area offer the rental service of single and double kayaks (highly recommended if you do the activity with children) and you can also sign up for an organized activity with an instructor. You will find all the information here.

Arts and crafts and oenology week-end

At the end of May, Ascó organizes the Arts and Crafts Exhibition. During an entire weekend, you will have the opportunity to transport yourself back in time to the medieval era and discover the artisan past of the town. The old town and the ancient Morisco neighborhood of Ascó, one of the most representative of the Catalan Ebro, are transformed into an open-air museum, where artisans from all over Catalonia show their art made with very different materials (glass, iron, plant stems, pottery…). It is the perfect opportunity to visit the village’s heritage! The little ones will have fun doing the handicraft workshops and attending the shows. The 2023 edition will take place from XX-XX May, 2023. If you are a wine lover, we have the perfect plan for you! After visiting the Arts and Crafts Exhibition you can not miss Tastavin’s! Here you will have the opportunity to taste wines from our region: DO Terra Alta, DOQ Priorat, DO Montsant and DO Tarragona.

Ebrelumen: Ribera d’Ebre’s video mapping festival

This audiovisual and nature festival was born in the spring of 2021. Every weekend from the end of April to the beginning of June, the villages of Ribera d’Ebre organize a video mapping in unique natural spaces. In Ascó, you will be able to enjoy this show that combines images and music on the banks of the river. During the time of the festival, theatrical visits of the castle and guided tours of the Battle of the Ebro are organized in Ascó. You will even get the chance to do a tasting experience on board “Lo Roget”! This year’s edition will take place from 14th April to 13th May 2023 in 10 different villages and the projection in Ascó will take place on 12th May 2023. You will find all the information about the festival and the program on the Ebre Lumen website.

Paella at the Santa Paulina hermitage

Santa Paulina is the patron saint of Ascó and has its own chapel. In the past, the hermitage was located at the entrance of Pas de l’Ase, next to the river, in a place where it is believed that there was an Ibero-Roman settlement. The local tradition explains that the statue of the Saint went down the river during a flood and got stuck on a rock where the original chapel was built.

Abandonment and the periodic flooding of the river caused it to disappear. In 2003, a new hermitage was built, in a forest area known as Mas de Prades, far from the river. Since then, every year around June 6 (Saint Paulina’s day), there is a celebration where a huge paella is cooked. If you feel like spending a day in nature and discovering a local festival, don’t hesitate to attend the event!

This year the popular lunch will take place on the XX of June. You can buy tickets at the Tourist Office.

Fluvial activities

The Ebro river has been one of the most important communication routes in the Iberian Peninsula.

Iberians, Phoenicians, Romans, Muslims and later Christians used the Ebro as an axis of communication. During the medieval period the river economy was forged in the Ebro river and more and more of them appeared and other crafts related to river boating. The activity, which only ceased in occasional cases such as floods or wars, grew slowly to the beginning of the 19th century. It was then that the navigation through the Ebro River went decreasing until the end of disappearing due to the emergence of the railroad, the roads and the construction of the reservoirs of Mequinenza, Riba-Roja and Flix.

Currently the navigation has been recovered for tourism and leisure.

In Ascó, you can sail with motor boats such as canoes and kayaks (single or double) or with small motor boats that take in different specialized companies.

You can also navigate through the Ebro through the modern replica of a lute (the traditional Catalan Ebro boat that has its origins in the Muslim era), called
‘ Lo Roget ‘
, the name of an old Moorish bandit who avoided its expulsion in 1609. Tourist trips between Ascó and Pas de l’ase are being made during the periods when River navigability is permitted.

River sports companies with rental:



MTB around Ascó

The second biggest cycle tourist route in Terres de l’Ebre, after the Via Verda, is the Camí de Sirga or GR-99.

It is a route that follows the course of the river Ebro from its source to its end, about 1,150 kilometers divided into 59 sections of 20 km passing through the Autonomous Communities of Cantabria, Castilla y León, La Rioja, Country Basque, Navarre, Aragon and Catalonia. The enhancement of the GR-99 was encouraged by the main actors in hiking and trekking in Spain, who called the route Natural Paths of the Ebro.

In Terres de l’Ebre, the GR-99 is known as the Camí de Sirga. From ancient times, the waters of the Ebro have been furrowed by the various civilizations that have stayed there: the Iberians, Romans, Saracens, Christians… Usually the ships sailed pushed by the favorable force of the current of the river and of the winds. But otherwise, the help of pack animals and dredgers, men of force, were needed to pull ropes from the paths along the river to push boats full of goods upstream.

In the Ribera d’Ebre we find three stages of the existing 42, one of which passes through the municipality of Ascó, specifically stage 38 that connects Flix with Móra d’Ebre.It is definitely a good option to get to know the river and our small territory. Are you excited? More information at the Ascó Tourist Office or on the website:


Wikiloc routes

Llaut Lo Roget

Feel the Ebro river sailing with the Llagut Lo Roget, a replica of traditional boats used for centuries in the Ebro valley.

Lo Roget makes tourist trips between Ascó, Pas de L’ase and jetty of Vinebre, crossing one of the most spectacular river areas of Ribera d’ebre, Pas de l’ase. In this small canyon, the Ebro is opening step between mountains leaving beautiful virgin landscapes. Enjoy this stretch of the river Ebro while listening to the whispering of the water, observing the abundant birds that inhabit it, admiring the immense riparian forests.

Start working at early May

You must arrange to reserve the places previously by phone 977 40 65 83 or by sending an email to

Related activities:

Discovering the essence of the Ebro

PDF Lo Roget


PDF Lo Roget


Acompanyada del Sr. Antoni Font i Renom, Director General de Memòria Democràtica, el Sr.Albert Salvadó Fernández, Delegat Territorial del Govern de la Generalitat a les Terres de l’Ebre, el Sr.Joan Juan Aixa, Director dels Serveis Territorials de Justícia a les Terres de l’Ebre i del Sr.Joan Baptista Forcadell Bayarri, Director del Consorci Memorial dels Espais de la Batalla de l’Ebre (COMEBE), la Hble.Sra. Lourdes Ciuró Buldó, Consellera de Justícia de la Generalitat de Catalunya ha realitzat una visita institucional a Ascó on desprès de signar el Llibre d’Honor de l’Ajuntament s’ha dirigit a l’antic Pas de Barca per comprobar “in situ” les actuacions de restauració que s’han dut a terme i que a partir d’ara formarà part dels Espais Històrics de la Batalla de l’Ebre, sent aquest un dels punts on, el 25 de juliol de 1938, van creuar el riu les tropes republicanes donant inici a la sagnant Batalla de l’Ebre.

Carrer Sequerets

With the expulsion of about 800 Moriscos by Philip II of Aragon (III of Castile) that occupied 154 houses, the Morisco period would end in Ascó.
This zigzag shaped street was ceded to the university by the Knights Hospitaller, who in turn converted it into a dryer for fruit such as figs and raisins. The diminutive name of “sequers” (driers) remained as a place name.

A walking tour to discover the Morisco past of Ascó

The old town of Ascó is rich in historical heritage and its old Morisco quarter is one of the most representative of the Catalan Ebro. The following itinerary will allow you to discover some of Ascó’s treasures by foot.

The main square (plaça de l’Església) is the starting point of this itinerary. From here you will dive into discovering the most traditional part of Ascó through its narrow streets, squares and alleys. Head towards Major Street and after a few meters you will find Ca Estisora. This house, located in a corner, is considered to be the entrance to what was once the fortified part of the village and is believed to have been the watchtower of the Morisco quarter in the past. In the attic of this house, the local historian Carmel Biarnés found several old pages written in Arabic that would correspond to a Koran.

If you continue walking along the same street, you will soon find on the left the Baijunga Street and a small passagewayat its end. This street can give you an idea of how the difference in height between the streets was bridged in the past. In some cases like this one, the passage has remained free and accessible to everyone, while in other cases they have been privatized, becoming shared alleys between a few neighbors.

You will find later on the old market’s square, where the Municipal School of Music stands. This space was previously occupied by the town hall. When renovating the building, the keystone of the door was preserved and the date 1610 can still be read nowadays, which corresponds to the year that Moriscos were expelled from Spain. It seems that this place was important during theMorisco period, as this is where the university was located and where all the decisions were made (like today’s city councils).

Before continuing the tour, you can take the stairs down and visit another interesting construction. You will see two large vaults that support the market square above. Inside, several silos used during the Morisco period to store cereals are exposed.

But these are not the only signs of the Morisco past in Ascó! While walking through the narrow and winding streets of the old town, it is worth looking carefully to identify other elements of the Morisco period,such as the round-arched entrance halls of the houses, the blue lintels of some windows to chase away evil spirits, or the passageways, like the Santo Domingo one that you will find on your right.

You will surely want to take a short break in the square Plaça Nova while contemplating the extraordinary view from the Balcó de l’Ebre (Ebro balcony). It is the perfect spot to admire the beauty of the river, the fields of almond trees and the villages of Vinebre and Torre de l’Espanyol. Observing the landscape will help you understand the strategic and privileged position of Ascó throughout history.

Following the itinerary, you will reach the Pla de Vallxiqué. It is worth coming here to see the odd Sequerets Street, one of the most beautiful streets in the village that zigzags between houses. Apparently, this area of the town is where the fruits were dried, hence the name (sequers in Catalan).

Retrace your steps and take La Mola Street, undoubtedly one of the most typical streets of Ascó, where time seems to stand still. The street is full of houses with the typical horseshoe arch doors. If you continue along the street, you will head back to Plaça Nova. At this point, you can return to the main square where you started off the itinerary or go down Riu Street, to continue discovering beautiful corners and particular elements of the village.

The Tourist Office often organizes guided tours around the old town of Ascó. You can request more information by phone +34 977 40 65 83 or by email at


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